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Special quest; Sol da Meia Noite

Mestre Perna Longa de Santana; São Paulo / Brazil and
Brisa de Sousa; London / UK - Fortalesa / Brazil
- firs time in Finlandt -

Mestre Perna Longa
Nova Geração de Angola

Mestre Perna Longa started his capoeira 12 years old joining Mestre Carapau's academy in SBC where he also graduated master of capoeira himself. In 1997 he founded a Gruppo Nova Geração de Angola and start to work with community of SBC in Diadema where you can find his academia still today. As well growing group of capoeristas following his education in São Paulo area.

Brisa da Sousa
Menino Quem Foi Seu Mestre / UK

Brisa is part of a family of capoeiristas who moved to London in the early 1990’s and has ever since been working towards promoting and supporting capoeira and capoeiristas who visited the UK. She is former member and co-founder of the group Amazonas Capoeira. As `Amazonas family' they are well known in the capoeira community in the UK, Europe and Brazil.

In 2005 Brisa,her family and students joined Menino Quem Foi Seu Mestre , group founded by Master Roberval from Salvador. Now she run classes in Capoeira Angola with the guidance and support from their Mestre. The MQFSM UK is one of very few groups to be runs by women and works closely with other UK-based groups.